The kids

The kids

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Everybody Dance Now

While I tend to write posts about day to day events, often revolving around precious Emerson, I am starting to realize that I could probably make a killing if I started a blog devoted to telling tales of my out of control husband. I won't b/c I don't have the time and at this point really don't feel like it but I will give you a quick snap shot of what is like to be married to Garrett Reed.

So yesterday after we finished eating dinner I sat down in a chair in our den to relax a little (the den, the kitchen, and dining room are pretty much one since we live in a little tiny apartment but whatever). Simultaneously my sweet husband headed to the kitchen to "clean up." I hear him rinsing dishes and start the garbage disposal. As soon as he turned the disposal on I new there was something in it that wasn't supposed to be. How do I know this??? B/c he ground up one of Emerson's spoons in the disposal last week, so it is a very familiar sound. I listened to the sound for a good 30 seconds debating on whether or not to say something. I subsequently stopped debating and said "I think there is something in there." Garrett said "oh" and pulled out our now mangled measuring spoon.

At this point I decided it would be best if G took my place sitting in the chair and I took over in the kitchen (maybe that was all a part of his plan). I can't lie, as I was cleaning the kitchen I might have started to day dream a little about what it would have been like to marry someone who was really clean and neat and could cook. I let myself day dream for a little bit but I never could get a could picture of what that would be like.

Fast forward about 5 hours to a few minutes after midnight when we are headed to bed. As a married person, I know and all you other married people know, that when you go to bed there are a few scenarios that could unfold. For us, if you get in bed before 11pm, you may not got straight to bed (if you know what I mean). If we head to bed after 11pm, there's a 95% chance we are going straight to bed, and after 12am, a 99% chance we are going straight to bed. (Sorry mom, but it's true).

So, at 12:07am, I turn off my light and snuggle under the covers and immediately begin to fall asleep. Garrett turned off his light a few seconds later and seemed to do the same thing. About 30 seconds later, I hear, "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW, GIVE ME THE MUSIC. EVERYBODY DANCE NOW, YEAH YEAH YEAH" (you know the classic song by C & C Music Factory) blaring from G's I-Phone. I look over to see my husband dancing while lying in bed. This lasted for the entire duration of the song. I have to say it was a valiant effort on his part to "keep us up a little longer." However, I threatened to start crying if he didn't turn it off and I vowed to blog about it.

He obliged and let me go to sleep. I fell asleep laughing to myself and thinking that if I had married the clean, neat, good cook from my day dreams, my life would probably not be nearly as entertaining. Just another night in the Reed household....Oh the stories I could tell. Garrett did set a up a blog entitled, "Everyone! Stop What You are Doing and Listen to Me," which I am pretty sure it can be found at (yes, he did this as a dig to all us bloggers). I'm not sure he has and/or will ever post anything but maybe he could use it to tell his own tales.


The Brantley Boys said...

As usual, G is one of the most special people that I know. But gosh, look at that picture...melts my heart. Side note: I love that song. I used to make up dances to it on a weekly basis when I was little.

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. hilarious. Is it strange to admit I'm not THAT surprised? I would imagine that life in the Reed house is pretty entertaining!

On a different note, we'll be in Durham next weekend!

Len Reed said...

Life in the Reed household was always fun & interesting with Garrett, Cullen and Courtney. I'm glad to see life is not stale with these 3! Enjoy your lives and "laugh" everyday.