As most of you know, our dog, Stabler, is totally nuts. We have actually been discussing finding him a new home. The only problem we have run into is that little Emerson has fallen in love with him. Every time she sees him she smiles and squeals with excitement...and then tries to pull on his ears. I literally have tons of pictures of them spending quality time together. This past weekend we went to the Duke Gardens (which are amazing!). Anyway, we tried to take a family picture since we don't have a single one. The only problem was that we couldn't get Em to look at the camera b/c she just wanted to pet Stabler. They seem to understand one another, and his being totally psycho doesn't seem to bother Emerson one bit. All that to say, we would hate to give Emerson's new best friend away. Only time will tell I guess....
I'm a little worried about Em if she understands Stabler. I'm not sure anyone else in the world has been able to do it. Soon she is going to try to saddle-up on Stabler like Harrison does to Marley.
I teared up :) Im so happy they love each other... you can't get rid of him just yet... He loves her. I can't wait to see you guys!!! Ps. The family picture is beautiful and exactly how it should be, haha
God forbid it gets to that point and you choose to find him a lovely home to no avail, Stabler may have to come live in Michigan with Aaron and I.
Aww, he does love her. So sweet.
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