Things at work are good for Garrett. He has applied for a position in a very competitive program within the company and it looks promising that he will get into the July class. If he gets in, he would have to go to Atlanta for a few weeks in July for training and then they would give him his first assignment after that. He could have several temporary assignments before (and if) he ever gets a permanent position. Although we aren't pumped about moving again, we are really excited for the opportunity. Only time will tell were this adventure will take us!
In other exciting Reed news, little baby Reed will be here soon! Her due date is May 25, but I guess we will have to wait and see when she actually comes. I went to the doctor on Thursday and they did an ultrasound to measure how big she is and to measure my amniotic fluid. Their guess is that she only weighs about 7lbs 2oz's right now but my amniotic fluid levels are low. So they made me go back on Friday to test and make sure my water had not broken...which it hadn't. So, now I go back on Monday for another ultra sound to check the levels again...if they are low they may induce me early next week. I will keep you posted!
I have had lots of requests for pictures of the here are a few. The nursery will be way cuter once little Emerson is in it!!!! Stay tuned for baby updates!!!
Allison please post pics of the baby, the nursery is cute, but I want to see that precious bundle of joy!!!
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