The kids

The kids

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Appy Appy Appy (that's for your Em)

I can't believe it has been 3 weeks since I posted anything to this little blog. Between work, doctors appointments, trying to keep up with Nana (my almost 94 year old grandmother who lives with us), and trying to spend time with friends before #2 comes...I have been busy. One day when I have time I will write an entire post or 2 on what life with a 94 year old woman is like. We have been trying to get little Nana into an assisted living place but she has been more than resistant. But the reality is, she needs more care than any of us can give her. The sociologist/counselor in me has found watching my mom (and her siblings) deal with her aging mother extremely interesting. Like I said one day, I will give it a post or two. Until then, just know that life with your 16 month old and 94 year old grandmother all while being 9 months pregnant is exhausting but fascinating.

Since I have been able to be in Greenville more over the past few months, I have been so thankful to get to spend time with some of my favorite people. Among these people are two of my best friends from growing up, Lindsay and Kellan. Little E and I had the pleasure of dining with them last night. I could spend hours talking about these girls........because they rock. I love that when I am with them I have just as much fun as I did in the 7th grade.

To give you an idea of how close these girls and I are, right before this pic was taken Linds informed me (and the high school kid taking the picture)that it was ok that I was this fat because I have been pregnant for 2 years now.
It's ok though because I know they love me. Otherwise they wouldn't get on the ground in a parking lot to play with my kid.
Or maybe they just really love Emmy.
Speaking of Emerson, Garrett and I took her to Sky Top Orchard when he was here visiting a few weeks ago. It was cold and rainy but we didn't care....when you only have one day together as a family, you take advantage of it. Good thing we did because Emerson LOVED it. In fact, all she talks about since then is "appy's"...which is funny because she can actually say the word apple but she prefers to call them "appy's."

Em running around the orchard saying, "Appy appy appy appy appy." She loved playing with the rotten mushy ones that were on the ground. Yes we let her do that. :)
We also let her ride in the apple cart, which apparently is a big "no no." We discovered this when we returned the cart to the same place we got it from (under a giant sign that said, "do not let children ride in carts"). As I was reading a sign, one of the orchard workers proceeded to tell me why this wasn't allowed and continued to proceed for like 15 minutes.
I'm not gonna lie, Em had so much fun that it was worth the lecture (he was very nice while he lectured). Anyway if you have never been to Sky Top you are for sure missing out. No fall would be complete without a trip there (and a dozen freshly made apple doughnuts.....yum)!

Anyway, baby #2 is scheduled to be born a week from today. My dad gets back in to town tonight and Garrett gets back late Saturday night. So, once we get them both here, I will be ready. I mean as ready as you can ever be to have 2 kids and be living with your parents and 94 year old Nana, all while your husband works 8 hours away. Wish us luck and pray....a lot.


Hannah Alexander said...

Allison, I am praying for you!!! Oh my gosh when I even think about your crazy life it literally just about makes my head explode :) Please know that you can always come down to Charleston for a little vaca and bring your TWO kids and leave them with me (and after Dec, me and H-bomb!) for the weekend and just go get pedicures and read all day or do whatever you want by yourself... I really hope I can see you soon.

Amber said...

I am also always praying and thinking of you all. Can't wait until Tuesday!!! I love you so much! You have the same offer that Hannah gave you for Charleston in Asheville. The holidays are going to rock this year! Can't wait!

Love you guys!!!!!